Monday 18 April 2011

Wedding presents, gift registry and all that...

The greatest gift and the most appreciated gift will be if you join us at our civil ceremony in Germany, or at the wedding party in Kenya, or perhaps at both events. That goes without saying.... so we thought we would say it anyway.

We have shared a household for 6 years or so and have over that time assembled everything we need to be comfortable and to make visitors comfortable. We have also collected numerous items which we don't really need and now have them cluttering up storage space.

While we don't expect or need any presents several people have been asking what they can give us.

At some point in the future we hope to have the pitter-patter sound of little feet in our lives, and we have decided to set up an education fund for the day when the owners of these feet need to be enrolled in school. If you would like to make a contribution towards this education fund, please email us so we can send you our account details.

If you have your heart set on giving us a certain item as a wedding present then please go ahead by all means. However, we would like to ask you not to give us large or heavy items at the civil ceremony in Germany because we will need to take everything with us on the flight back to Kenya.

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