Wednesday 18 May 2011

Wedding preparations....

So it seems that finally we have jumped through the last hoop and cleared the last hurdle and hopefully the finish line is all clear for us to be married on Saturday! The bureaucratic process has been trying to say the least, but after dealing with the governments of Zimbabwe, Tanzania, the good old Empire and of course ze Vaterland, we have finally got there!

Some of the preparation has been great though and we have been lucky enough to be able to try out a number of beers to see what we liked for the day.... beer testing has never been so fun! We were asked to test 25 different beers from 6 different breweries... now that is what I call wedding preparation!

Fortunately Mirjam's family have taken on all the real preparations and we have been very lucky in that respect; we have no idea what is going to happen on Saturday as it all has been done in utmost secrecy, and we are in for a surprise; hopefully a good one!! Right better get back to beer testing......